Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Angels & Running buddies.....

A Huge shout-out to The Bowmans for sponsoring my first 53 miles!!  An awesome way to start things off!! You guys are great and I truly appreciate the support!!  If you are interested in sponsoring miles, click on the "first giving" link at the top of the page.

I probably should introduce a few people that will be in support of me throughout this whole experience before I get to sore to type.....LOL!!

Definitely my better half!!  My wife Kelsey is also training for the Purple Stride Event in Kansas City on April 23rd.  We have been running together for about 6 weeks preparing for this 5k event.  My favorite part of the day is when we run together....we get a chance to talk about our day, relationship, dreams.....we really seem to communicate great when we are running.....(when we can talk and not out of breath!)  I'm truly blessed to have her in my life!

Mr. Jeebz!  Yes, Kelsey and I usually take him on our run with us!  Jeebz is our 2 year old dog that we have had for just over a year and a half.  This is personally my first pet that I've ever had....Kelsey had farm dogs and cats while growing up.  Jeebz has been a wonderful addition to our family.....although there have been a few times he tests our patience.  

This was a token my mom gave me just a few short weeks ago.  If you know mom, you know she collects angels.  Growing up, it's what most of us kids got her as gifts.  She gave each of us an Angel token for us to put in our pockets each day to remind us of her.  Naturally, I usually don't let it out of my site.  It goes with me to work, on my runs, and has a place on my nightstand by the bed.  One of the most meaningful things mom has given me.

So far this week has been good.....I'm not to sore yet and I'm 8 miles in.  I'm hoping to get to at least 15 this week and push on.......again, I think the miles will get much easier once I get over the initial hump!

Remember to Teach.  Remember to Pray.  Remember to Support.

1 comment:

  1. Your mom, no doubt, is bursting with pride. You are doing a great job.
